Folks who read this blog came here over the years for the stories of rescued cats and dogs. The stories have slowed down because the rescues have ended. Winnie’s Wish is a sanctuary now which means there aren’t a lot of exciting stories to tell. I’ve blogged less and less even though there are still 28 cats here (along with dogs, pigs, donkeys, and chickens) who require hours of attention and work each day. Some of you know I’m still here. And I will continue to post here and there about these animals I love.
But today, I’m veering way off topic for a brief mention of a Love Story close to my heart. I’ve mentioned that my parents have been in decline for a while now. A month ago, I brought in Hospice. I’ve said to a few friends that if you’d told me a year ago that I would wish for my parents’ deaths, I would have said No Way. But their suffering became so intense that that was indeed my wish for them. It was certainly their wish for themselves. Neither one wanted to be here any longer. They had only one fear. That one would go and leave the other one behind.
My parents were married for 68 years. They were together for 70. I know everyone probably says how wonderful their parents were, but I don’t have to embellish even a little bit when I sing their praises. They were great parents. Good people. And dear friends of mine during my adult life. I was so lucky to have them.
This past week they got their wish. They moved on from this earthly life. And they did it just six days apart!
My pain is deep. I know I will never stop missing them. But in the end, they got exactly what they wanted so badly – to get out of here . . . together.
Mom and Dad – Farewell.