Recently I have blogged a bit about how Older Daughter has had visits from a few of her successful releases. Over the years there have been some returns but certainly not very many. This year she has had the joy of having an opossum come back once, and her first two raccoons to be released came back to eat a couple of times. Those are all long gone now. But the dove from last year is a somewhat regular visitor and one of the two starlings only recently released continues to return once in a while. Older Daughter sent me these picture just a few days ago. The two birds returned together which gave Older Daughter quite a smile.
Older had been a little concerned about the release of her three younger raccoons. Once released, they didn’t show up again. She worried a bit about them because the female was smaller than the two males and Older hoped that she could find as much food and shelter as the two slightly bigger males. One evening, one of those males came back to the yard and had a little snack. It was nice to see him, but she wondered about the other two from this group. Then one evening after a rain, the three showed up together for a meal.
Over this past weekend, I was at Older Daughter’s house when the group of three showed up again. One of the males stayed in the woods line and never ventured any farther. But the other male and the little female played on a tree in the yard for a while.
Then when Older went in and got a snack for them, they came running over for the food. But before Older could even dump the snack out on the ground, the little girl reached up to greet Older Daughter. Older discourages this kind of behavior during the transition period before release, but she couldn’t pass up the temptation to reach back towards this little girl for some quick reassurance. They ate their snacks and off they went.
Nice. See you next week.
Oh wow, that is so sweet and special. Older daughter is amazing, and we are so grateful for all she does to help so many critters!
Posted by: meowmeowmans | 09/08/2021 at 08:31 AM
We here at Fur a Way Land love the wild life stories. Raccoons are so sweet looking and look so like they should be pets. We feed them every night in the back yard and a little boy one on the front porch. Older does so much for the wild life. Those little birds and raccoons have gone on to live their lives and that is due to older saving them as babies. Bless her.
Posted by: Ginny & the Fur Family | 09/08/2021 at 09:03 AM
That is so amazing and shows the power of love
Posted by: Timmy Tomcat | 09/08/2021 at 02:21 PM
So darn sweet!!!! Love this blog post! Thanks Older Daughter for all you do!
Posted by: Maria in FL | 09/08/2021 at 04:14 PM
Oh my gosh, so adorable! Love seeing the released ones thrive! Those raccoons do not look starved, they must be doing well for themselves!
Remember friends, Wild Angels has no funding, to help them feed and treat the wild ones, go to their facebook page and use the donate button! Thank you!
Posted by: Andrea and the Celestial Kitties | 09/09/2021 at 02:47 AM
That really is terrific and hooray for helping all of those critters, I know they appreciate it. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Posted by: Brian Frum | 09/09/2021 at 07:45 AM
Awww, so adorable. I can feel the love.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥
Posted by: Sandee | 09/09/2021 at 03:10 PM
It's wonderful when they remember. But animals rarely forget kindnesses.
Posted by: John Bellen | 09/10/2021 at 11:37 PM