I have been sharing some “Where Are They Now” type posts about some of the Wishers who are out there living The Good Life! My goal is to have information available at the click of a picture for people who might be considering the adoption of a Winnie’s Wish cat. These stories will hopefully be testament to the fact that even though a Wisher might be halfway across the country from the adopter, those adopters say it was absolutely worth it to go the extra mile. And for those Wishers who required a little more patience, their families tell me it was worth it beyond a doubt. Melissa adopted two Wishers (Truly and Shiloh*) and then came back for two more. It just doesn’t get much better than that!
Autumn, aka Camo Cat
When my first two (Truly and Shiloh) got settled in, I began to think that perhaps I really didn't have enough cats in my life. And as I started talking about maybe we should adopt more kitties, my daughter was quite certain that Autumn should come to live at our house. From the blog, we knew that she was likely to be the mother of the two, and that they had once been a family in the wilderness. About three months after I'd adopted Truly and Shiloh, we decided to drive all the way down to Winnie's Wish (about a two hour drive). Autumn was petrified when she went into the crate, and things didn't get much better when we got to the house (where she immediately went under a bed, high up on boxes in the corner and pushing up the bottom of the box springs, where she was nearly invisible).
It took Autumn several weeks to emerge at all, but I just kept bringing food in to her (and closing the door to the room where she was, so I knew that she'd been the one eating). Eventually, she began coming out at night, and then staying out more and more. She blends surprisingly well with my comforter (which is shades of brown, and she's a calico), so much that we nicknamed her "Camo Cat".
Now, she comes out, and even as I am writing this, she's sleeping on a blanket on the corner of my desk. She also has a favorite spot on a lower shelf on my desk where she can observe wildlife in the front yard. I've also heard from the neighbors that when we're all out of the house, she has commandeered a prime sleeping spot on the back side of the house by the window overlooking the back yard. She greets us at the door when we come home from work/school or the like, and even has started to accept being picked up, because "a held kitty is a loved kitty" She also loves her tummy rubs. It is also so much fun to watch her watching the wildlife (mostly squirrels and bunnies, but then there are a pair of ducks who sometimes visit from the park 4 blocks away). It is so fun to watch her, life is definitely better for including Autumn in our home.
Beautiful Circe
When I was starting to think about adding more cats, I kept getting drawn back to the picture of Circe, where her eyes just seemed to be looking at me and saying "I will be your cat". So, when I went down to Winnie's Wish, it had been decided that I was adopting Circe as well as completing the family of 3 that was Autumn, Truly & Shiloh. The whole way up, Circe was crying piteously in the carrier, and when we got home, she also went under the bed. But I was down on the floor and I could see her, so I was talking to her and reaching under the bed. I could just barely reach the tip of one of her toes, and I said to her "if you would just come closer, I could pet you". Wouldn't you know that she immediately nudged forward about 8 inches, and I pet her once from head to about the middle of her back when she just came all the way out and got on top of the bed. It was only a couple hours since we'd brought her home. Circe began kneading more vigorously than I have ever seen (her paws came up even with her shoulders), and she had clearly decided that this was now her home.
While I sing to all of my cats, Circe's song is one that only is her song (others sometimes share tunes). Her song is entitled "Beautiful Circe" and goes to the tune of "Beautiful Dreamer". The lyrics sometimes change a little, but it always starts "Beautiful Circe, sweet floofy cat/You are my beautiful floofiest one/Beautiful Circe, you are so sweet/And I will love you from your head to your feet/Beautiful Circe, sweet floofy cat" (here is where it can change depending on what comes into my mind, but it's all about how beautiful she is and how loved she is). When she hears her song, she will always come to me.
Circe does one thing that I have always wanted a cat to do. While I get three cats in my bed (Truly, Autumn and Circe--Shiloh is with my daughter), only Circe is my snuggle-bug who sleeps right up against me while the other two are somewhere around my feet or on a spare pillow. Circe was an older cat when I adopted her (already 6 years old, going on 7), but she is the cuddliest little snuggle-bug ever.
Dear Melissa thanks for sharing your story of the four beautiful furries that were adopted from Winnies Wish. They are so contented looking and one can tell they love you and your daughter so very much as you both love them. That is the perfect home for furries. A hope for all furries is a loving human home to live in forever and ever. Circe Is so sweet. Older cats make great companions. I am so glad you decided to take an older one. She is purrfect for your home. I love the name Autumn/ Camo cat. She does match the comforter. Thanks again for the update and picutures. You helped to keep this little family together.
Posted by: ginny & the fur family | 11/03/2015 at 09:34 AM
what a wonderful reminder that those that sometimes require more work are SO worth the effort
Posted by: Random Felines | 11/03/2015 at 09:59 AM
You're making me cry! First, that Autumn was reunited with her boys, which I think is awesome! And then that Circe, who had been unadoptable for so long, then waited so long! And then now! How AWESOME! A lover girl from the start! Look at her now! She's obviously so happy and so loved!
Oh dear friends! Do YOU need more cats in your life?? Think about it! Going back for more is a great idea! (I went back for my girls too!) If the answer is yes, then look at the darling kitties on the sidebar! Some are older, some are younger, all need great homes! Is it yours? Is it your friends? Is it a friend of your friends? We'll never know unless you either adopt, or share!!
Donations and wish list always help!
And the auction starts Saturday, it's going to be amazing!
Posted by: Andrea and the Celestial Kitties | 11/03/2015 at 11:08 AM
What a wonderful story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Posted by: Fur Everywhere | 11/03/2015 at 11:26 AM
I just love these "Where Are They Now" blog posts. It looks like these beautiful girls found just the right home for them. Thank you, Melissa & daughter, for choosing Autumn & Circe, along with Truly & Shiloh from Winnie's Wish! By doing that, you have helped to save eight kitties...the four you adopted & the four you made room for!
Posted by: Lori Lemon | 11/03/2015 at 12:28 PM
Such a great story!! I love a happy ending! I wish happy endings for all the Winnie's Wishers, and for all homeless animals everywhere! I know we're all doing what we can, and helping by spreading the word....don't shop, adopt!!
Posted by: Maria in CT | 11/03/2015 at 12:48 PM
This post elicits smiles, smiles and more smiles!
Posted by: GD | 11/04/2015 at 06:34 AM