Yesterday I wrote about a dilemma I’m facing in the Winnie’s Wish cathouse. There are three cats in the new addition, living happily together with no other cats. They are living with no other cats for a reason. Two of these three suffer from stress in certain circumstances. Do please read yesterday’s post to get the full story. Today – I want to focus on these three cats and hope hope hope there is someone special out there reading this who would adopt one, two, or all three. I’m going to be really honest. The two “troubled” cats are not going to “give back” very much to the person who adopts them. At least not at first. My belief is that eventually (and that could be months!) these cats will adjust in new environments and give back the love they are given by their families. They could become really “normal” kitties one day. But it’s also possible that they will always be “skiddish.” What I know is that there are wonderful people out there who would actually make the decision to provide a home for an animal JUST FOR THE SAKE OF THAT ANIMAL, requiring very little in return except for the knowledge that they adopted an animal who might otherwise never get adopted.
Sallie is a small dilute calico. How do I describe Sallie? She lets me pet her. She is living peacefully in a room with two other cats and this is the first time in a couple of years that Sallie has been truly happy and calm. When she lives in larger groups of cats, she stresses so badly that she licks her fur out. I’ve tried her in smaller groups of cats, but there has never been much improvement. Then, finally, when she moved into her current room with these two particular cats (Smokey and Cato), Sallie started to relax. She has stopped licking her fur out. She is more at ease than she has been in a VERY long time.
Sallie does not let me pick her up. She is terrified to be in a cat carrier. She is not a lap cat. And most other cats stress her out. She just happens to do really well with Smokey and Cato. She likes to be petted and she rubs against me while I’m working in her room. The new addition she is living in will soon be filling with more cats. I just want Sallie to be happy. I’m hoping there is someone out there who would give Sallie the perfect home.
Smokey is a huge gray-and-white cat who is bullied more easily than any cat I’ve ever known. Clearly, being the victim of bullying has nothing to do with size. He is happy and calm living in the new addition with Sallie (above) and a foster cat of mine named Cato. He and Cato bonded months ago. Then recently he and Sallie became friends. He enjoys the company of other cats once he gets to know them. And I truly believe Smokey could adjust and live with any cat who was laid back and didn’t bully him. Smokey loves to be petted. He flops down beside me and rolls around hoping for belly rubs while I work in his room. But Smokey doesn’t like to be picked up. And carriers scare him. He is very similar in personality and fears to Sallie. He just doesn’t happen to lick his fur out when he’s stressed. As I said before, the room Smokey is happily living in with Sallie and Cato is about to fill with more cats. I never know who is going to bully Smokey because he allows it from any cat who tries. It would be wonderful for Smokey to be adopted WITH Sallie or WITH Cato. Or into a home with another cat who is mild and nonaggressive. I’m hoping there is someone out there who would give Smokey the perfect home.
Cato is a foster cat from another shelter. He has a calming effect on Smokey and Sallie. He and Smokey are VERY close. It would be wonderful for Smokey to be adopted WITH Cato. Then two shelters would have something to celebrate.
Friends – PLEASE SHARE ABOUT SALLIE AND SMOKEY. It would be a wonderful miracle if these two kitties (and Cato, too!) could be adopted before all the new Wishers move into their world. And who knows? If they actually had a home of their own they might one day crawl into the lap of their adopter to say thank you.
Have a good weekend and keep your fingers crossed for Smokey and Sallie.
Fingers crossed for Sallie and Smokey to be adopted. So many kitties are being born all the time. The older ones make great pets. They are past the kitten stage and are calm and can be made to be good pets with time and patience. Please someone out there step up and adopt these sweet souls. Fur is warm - fur is love. One can get their own furrie before the cold winter comes. Remember to spay and neuter. These furries are already fixed to go into your home with nothing needed but love. Warm wishes for a nice cool day
Posted by: Ginny & the fur family | 09/17/2015 at 07:56 AM
Do you offer 'trial adoptions'? I know that they can be confusing for the cat, but the rescue-group to which I belong offers a trial period of about two weeks (less if it involves a kitten). I think this makes deciding to adopt a cat, especially one with special needs, less stressful for some people. I know many of your adoptions are long-distance, so it may not work for you. We've found very few trials don't work out well.
Posted by: John Bellen | 09/17/2015 at 08:34 AM
what a good looking group of cats - and we firmly believe that once they are secure in a new home they would pay back the love in spades :)
Posted by: Random Felines | 09/17/2015 at 09:32 AM
Such beautiful cats...and all so deserving of a home of their own. Hoping & praying that these Winnie's Wishers families come looking for them and soon! Sharing!
Posted by: Lori Lemon | 09/17/2015 at 09:48 AM
Hoping and praying that perfect family or families show up soon! Believe me, having to wait for a kitty to warm up is so worth it! I have had two of my Winnie's Wishers for over a year and just recently one of them decided it wouldnt be so bad to sit on me. I'm telling you, it was worth the wait! I am beyond thrilled and said kitty is also happy and secure! WORTH IT! Please give Sallie and Smokey and Cato the same chance! It may take a while, but oh my gosh, the reward, when it comes, is beyond price!
Please help Winnie's Wish in any way you can! Share all the kitties, especially these three. Adopt if you can! Donate! Fulfill wish list needs! Anything you can do is greatly appreciated!
Posted by: Andrea and the Celestial Kitties | 09/17/2015 at 11:40 AM
I wanted to second Andrea's opinion about waiting for a cat to warm up. My Cammie is a treasure and we are good friends, though she started by growling whenever she saw me. Now, she snuggles into my neck and purrs when she lies on my chest.
There is a certain feeling that comes from having won a friend through patience and perseverance that doesn't come with the easier friendships. The bond is different. There is pride and delight and relief. If you get the chance to win a cat over, take it.
Posted by: John Bellen | 09/17/2015 at 01:28 PM
Fingers crossed that there is a patient and loving home out there for these beauties!!!
Posted by: Cat's Cats | 09/17/2015 at 01:33 PM
I am so hoping for a happy ending for Sallie, Smokey and Cato! They deserve a home of their own, and it will open up space for more cats for Chrystal to save. I will definitely be sharing their story!
Posted by: Maria in CT | 09/17/2015 at 06:39 PM
There's a home for every cat. Now we just have to purr and pray, and SHARE, so that these cuties can find their own happily ever afters.
(We shared your post on Facebook and Twitter, by the way.)
Posted by: meowmeowmans | 09/17/2015 at 08:59 PM
Hoping and praying that someone give these wonderful kitties a chance. It's well worth the effort just to see them happy and loved, they can't all be lapcats but that doesn't mean they don't deserve or appreciated a good home.
Posted by: Cynthia Prentice | 09/18/2015 at 08:41 AM