It’s Monday.
Remember the mom cat and three kittens we trapped in August? They are WONDERFUL. Momma Monday is becoming friendlier and friendlier. The two boy kittens (Pippin and Pipes) have been letting me pet them for quite a while now. The little girl (Clover) wouldn’t come close enough at first. But now all three kittens let me pet them, I can pick up the two boys, and one of the boys (Pipes) climbs into my lap on his own! I’m still feeding Pipes separately – an entirely canned food diet. But with the vet’s approval I will be trying him on dry kitten food soon. If his problem was a severely inflamed and swollen throat, the steroid and antibiotic would have taken care of that. If there is a minor structural problem, he could slowly outgrow it. If it is something more serious, we will go from there.
The title of the post today is Monday and FIVE kittens. That was your update on Monday and her three. Now some pictures of the two additional kittens – the two I’d LOVE to see adopted together.
Aaaahhhhh . . . feel-good brain chemicals for your Monday.
See you tomorrow for National Coffee Day. Yep. That’s a real thing.
that is a heck of a lot of cute!!!
Posted by: Random Felines | 09/28/2015 at 09:28 AM
Those two little kittens certainly look like they belong together.
Posted by: John Bellen | 09/28/2015 at 09:43 AM
All are so sweet and the pictures are very good. I do hope that the friends can be adopted together. Please some one who needs their very own furry please step up and adopt a couple of warm furries for your very own heart loves. Rain coming today. Please rain go away. So many kittens to pick from. Browse and find your soul mate from the side bar.
Posted by: ginny & the fur family | 09/28/2015 at 09:48 AM
Such beautiful babies!
Posted by: Cat's Cats | 09/28/2015 at 11:17 AM
Aw, so glad Momma Monday is getting so friendly! And that babies too!! Yay!
Hoping and praying that those two get adopted together! Friends, we have to share them everywhere! We have to find them a great home! Along with homes for the other Wishers! We can do it, just share and tweet and put them on whatever social media you use!
Don't forget donations and the Wish List! Lots of kitties mean lots of needs!
Posted by: Andrea and the Celestial Kitties | 09/28/2015 at 11:46 AM
When Melissa sees those torties she is gonna die!
Posted by: Caren Gittleman | 09/28/2015 at 11:48 AM
They are all so adorable!! I would like to take them all!! National Coffee Day....right up your alley, Chrystal!!
Posted by: Maria in CT | 09/28/2015 at 07:24 PM
I love the picture of Jaws and Suds snoozin' together.
Posted by: Chesney West | 09/29/2015 at 10:26 AM