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shirley (aka momsbusy)

wonderful news! i really needed this today. my morning started out so sad when i found a beautiful calico near my shop went to the rainbow bridge last night.

i am so happy for these newest winnie's wishers. they will have the safety and security all cats should have now that they are off of the streets.

Goldie Goodwin

Wonderful post! Many gorgeous families. Momma Monday and the babies are heartwarming.
The rescued mom & 8 kittens are amazing.Those kittens are beautiful and she looks so happy to be safe and comfortable

Cat's Cats

So much news...so many things to say!!! Sweet tiny Jaws, Good luck today, you have come so far :)))) Welcome Seewt Pea and your precious wee ones, so glad you are safe with Chrystal. Has Pipes had an xray, could there actually be something stuck in his pipe?

John Bellen

Those day-old kittens look like the tiny fuzzy mice cats play with. They are minuscule!

As for Pipes and his family, I know many people advocate an all-soft-food diet for cats. This may be good for them. In any case, it's warming to know that all are safe.

And good luck to Jaws today.

Lori Lemon

Kittens GALORE! Oh, my...14 kittens under one roof (or 2)! So much cuteness! All safe & cared for & hopefully on their way to good health & good homes!

Prayers & good thoughts for little Jaws today on his surgery. Fingers crossed all is a success!

Wonderful blog post to end the week on. The pics of Momma Monday reunited with & nursing her kittens puts huge joy in my heart & a big smile on my face. Have a great weekend!

Cynthia Prentice

Wonderful news for all the kitties and your family also.
Can only imagine how much time, effort and emotions you put into their rescue. The babies are just soooo cute !!

Random Felines

holy moly....talk about a full house!! :) good luck to Jaws on surgery day. and hopefully the vet can figure out what is going on with Pipes

Maria in CT

Oh my goodness, one kitten is cuter than the next!! Best of luck, little Jaws....hope your surgery is a complete success! Kitten food on the way, Chrystal....you certainly do need it! You are the best....these kittens are the lucky ones, for sure!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties

Oh oh oh! So much cuteness! I think it's safe to say you have a full house! Love the names, love the face, love that they are taming! We're purring and praying that litter Pipes can be better soon, either treated or out grow what is wrong! Praying also for Jaws and his surgery!
Dear friends, look how many kitties there are! Surely we can get a few of them into great homes, no? Please please share a Wisher or two wherever you can! We've got to make room because I'm betting that new cat room, that we all made possible, is going to be overflowing real fast!
Don't forget the wish list! Don't forget donations! Don't forget adoptions! Thank you!

Ginny & the fur family

So much cute it hurts my eyes. Nothing is cuter than small fuzzy kittens. Glad you got the mother and all kittens. Prayers for little Jaws. I do wish someone would adopt the three together. Jaws Violet and Dora would make a good group. Let us know how Monday and her kittens are doing. Pipes has nice markings. A real handsome kitty. Best of luck with all the kittens. Please donate. Adoption gives a house love - Furry love is warm love. Nice fall seeming day in August. Have a good weekend.

The Poupounette Gang

Absolutely LOVELY! Well Done, Chrystal and daughters!


Good job Chrystal & Company!

Good luck with little Pipes...and have you considered taking the dry food and soaking it with warm water? Once it's good and soft, you can mush it up with a fork and it is pretty much the same consistency as the canned. We do this to start any very young kittens that are transitioning from bottle to "big kitten" food.


Laurie over at Itty Bitty Kitty Committee has Wylla...who was born with Mega Esophagus. Wylla recently out grew the condition. She made a feeding station that made Wylla to stand up to eat and she would hold Wylla in an upright position for however long. Keeping weight on her was a challenge. I am glad your daughter has experience with it, but if it is a bit different for cats, Laurie would certainly be the one to go to and I KNOW she would be more than happy to help you out with all the information you would need.

Best wishes to Pipes.

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