Yesterday I posted about Truly. Truly's brother is Shiloh. When we rescued him, his leg was badly broken. My WONDERFUL blog readers jumped in and filled my Chip-In to help with Shiloh's surgery.
You'd never know now that he had that bad start physically. He walks, runs, and plays like nothing ever happened. His psychological scars are a little more obvious. Shiloh, his sister Truly, and another little cat (Autumn – her post tomorrow) were all living in a field near a creek in the middle of nowhere. We spent weeks trapping – Shiloh was the last of the three to be rescued. Whereas Truly came around pretty quickly, it took a little longer for Autumn to decide people were OK. Shiloh took the longest of all. He found ALL of his security in Autumn and Truly. After all, they were his only family before we rescued him. When the three moved into the cathouse, Truly and Autumn made great adjustments. Shiloh, however, was shy, shy, shy. He has recently started coming to me for attention which is new and a great improvement. But he is still skiddish at times and more shy than Autumn or his sister Truly. The cute thing is that he LOVES his sister. My hope is that Shiloh could be adopted WITH Truly. They would certainly make a magnificent pair in a wonderful home somewhere. Truly will shower her new human with attention; Shiloh would have the advantage of adjusting to a new home while having his security blanket (Truly) with him. He is a sweet cat – not aggressive in any way. But it is unlikely he will be adopted easily as he is the more introverted type. My guess is that he will have a longer-than-average adjustment period, but that might be reduced if he gets to go with his sister.
Please pass this along. Help me find the perfect home for Shiloh.
Shiloh is a beautiful kitty. I do love black and white cats. They look so striking and do not shed a lot on the furniture- a big plus. Shy is alright if they want to hide a while under the sofa. It is a cats way of protecting them selves. Time will take care of that. love can do great things for a cat who has been in the wilds for a while when small. love and patience and also taking Truly along will bring great rewards to the lucky owner who adopts these two beauties... go for it lucky person - take a chance on lots of forever love... Ginny & The Fur Family
Posted by: ginny&the fur family | 06/25/2013 at 10:45 AM
Shiloh is a handsome boy and I really hope that he and Truly can find a forever home together.
Posted by: Karen Jo | 06/25/2013 at 10:49 PM
I think shy Shiloh would lose a great deal of his reticence once he was adopted. He would have a human's attention's practically all the time and he'd get used to that quickly. I have two cats who were very shy to begin with and, though they remain somewhat timid, they have made great strides. I'm sure that would happen with Shiloh, too.
Posted by: Bellen | 06/26/2013 at 01:07 AM
Shiloh is so handsome, and we remember his story. We are purring and praying that he and Truly will find a forever together home very soon.
Posted by: meowmeowmans | 06/26/2013 at 01:44 AM