I started the month of June by telling you about my vacation which included (of course) the addition of three new Winnie's Wish cats. I've spent the rest of this month writing individual posts about all of the lovely Winnie's Wish kitties who are ready to be adopted. That's because June is officially Adopt-A-Cat Month. I packed those individual posts full of pictures hoping to attract the perfect homes. (Special thanks to Morgen at the CB for running those posts.) I appreciate those of you who left comments here on the blog and on Facebook. You left words of encouragement, proving that there are people out there who don't care if Traci Mae isn't the most beautiful cat in the world and who know that shy Shiloh will come around in time. It's been a bit discouraging to have zero adoptions here at month's end. The cathouse is full so the work and costs and worry are steep. I can't rescue any more needy cats or kittens until some of the current gang are adopted. But something happened this month to remind me not to get too discouraged.
Within a matter of days of each other, I received emails from people who have adopted from me – people who have Winnie's Wish kitties in their homes. I do periodically get updates from the wonderful families who have adopted a Winnie's Wisher. But it was truly strange to get FOUR updates over the course of such a short period of time. These folks even sent pictures. And just when I was feeling the stress of having a full cathouse! I REALLY needed this right now. It reminds me of why I do what I do, and it makes it all worthwhile. Here are some excerpts from the emails I received.
From J and B – they adopted Mitts and I was thrilled. But then they came back and adopted Spritz, who was one of the two LEAST likely cats to be adopted from the cathouse – EVER. Here's what J had to say:
Spritz is doing GREAT since the last email. We bought the girls (Mitts and Spritz) a tower and had I known it would get her out from under the bed I would have bought one sooner! Her and Mitters (Mitts' nickname) LOVE to play! They chase each other around like it's their job. Spritz loves playing in the living room, sitting on the back of the couch and chair, watching the birds from the back of the couch and on the coffee table (they BOTH love the coffee table for some reason? Lol!), and we can walk past her with out her jetting off! I can't even tell you how proud we are of her! Hopefully the pics will give you some idea of how far she has come.
I heard from Amy who adopted Tuxie (in the sidebar) – renamed Trixie in her new home. I had not heard from Amy in a very long while so her timing was perfect – just when I needed it. Here's what Amy had to say:
Wanted to send you an update on Trixie - she is an amazing little ladycat! She is very smart and has learned some human phrases - when I sit in Lola's room to get ready for bed at night, she is usually in there along with Virgil, and when I tell her it is time to go to bed she will get up (she likes to sleep in the window in there) and wait by the door, and when it is time to go to sleep and I tell her, she goes to her spot on the bed and goes to sleep. She is the biggest snugglebug and is so funny because she and Barney will compete to sit by me at night. I haven't taken a lot of pictures in a long time but I do have one I have attached of Trixie sitting with Barney and Gus.
Next I heard from B, who adopted JoJo as a friend for her kitty named Tiger. B writes:
Hi from JoJo's new "mom". I really enjoy watching JoJo and Tiger playing together. I've attached a couple of pictures. I keep trying to get a picture of Tiger grooming JoJo but this was after. And he chases HER tail instead of his own.
When I thought I would burst with joy from all of the wonderful updates, I got yet another. This one was from Deb, who adopted Elfin. She writes:
I apologize - it's been way too long since I've given you an update. Elfin is my husband's buddy; he gets up with him in the morning and hangs out with him until he goes to work. My husband tells me they talk about stuff – him and Elfin. Elfin is truly the perfect fit for our family and the three of us adore him. Here is a picture of Elfin on his favorite chair on our screened-in porch.
Yep. These updates make my job much easier.
Now everybody squeeze your eyes shut tight, cross your fingers, and wish REALLY HARD that some more homes like these will come knocking at my door. Make a wish that your favorite Winnie's Wish kitty will be chosen for the perfect home for him or her. Have a great weekend!
Adoptions is the magic word for today- please make this a happy month for Chrystal in the WINNIE'S Room and adopt your special flavor of cat- whether it is black and white, spotted or striped OR CALICO- they all need forever loving homes... consider a furry for your family for the forth of JULY.... IT WILL BE A BLAST..... LOVE IS FOREVER....... FURRY LOVE IS THE WARM KIND OF LOVE....... Ginny & THE FUR FAMILY
Posted by: ginny&the fur family | 06/27/2013 at 08:02 AM
I love hearing about the past Winnie's Wishers. Hopefully soon there will be more past Winnie's Wishers updates as the current kitties get forever homes.
Much Love,
Mindy :)
Posted by: Mindy Slimmer | 06/27/2013 at 08:27 AM
LOVE those adoption updates....it makes everything worth while. We got ALL our paws crossed for some adoptions!
Posted by: Random Felines | 06/27/2013 at 08:52 AM
Chrystal, is doesn't help you get more cats adopted, but here in Pleasant Hill CA where Mom and Dad volunteer, and where they found me, and where my Foster Brofur Leo comes from...we have a shelter filled with gorgeous lovely and loving adult cats...and no adoption for most of June...Maddies Fund is a blessing and a problem...sigh we hear your concern and feel it literally all too well
Posted by: Savannah's Paw Tracks | 06/27/2013 at 10:08 AM
What a fantastic post Chrystal, we love to see the happy endings!!! So nice that Spritz has come out of her shell and wow how great to hear from Amy about Trixie, she has been gone from the CB for so long. Glad that JoJo is happy and of course wonderful to see Elfin who is our Kipper's brother :-)
Posted by: Cat's Cats | 06/27/2013 at 10:39 AM
How I wish I could help you - we have two rescued cats aged 10 and 12 after the six previously rescued cats all went to the bridge but we are now in our middle 70's and can't in good conscience adopt young cats who would likely outlive us (nothing worse that a cat with a loving home who becomes homeless) but we do so wish you well in what you are doing
Posted by: Karen Lucas | 06/27/2013 at 11:26 AM
Wishing hard...
Posted by: The Poupountte | 06/28/2013 at 02:12 PM
Such wonderful and amazing adoption updates. We can understand how they are such a great source of encouragement when you're feeling low. We KNOW the adoptions will pick up, and we are purring and praying and WISHING that it happens soon.
Hugs to you and your family, dear friend.
Posted by: meowmeowmans | 06/28/2013 at 08:31 PM
Wow! You have to be proud of all you have done. So many happy people and kitties.
Posted by: Jobi and Fisher | 06/29/2013 at 03:31 AM
Love these happy updates. Sending love and luck. xx
Posted by: Milo and Alfie's mom | 07/01/2013 at 07:29 AM