Here’s the picture of our cathouse back in the Spring.
And here’s what it looks like now, about one-third filled in.
On August 5, I launched our first-ever Winnie’s Wish Walkway Brick Fundraiser. I said at that time that if it was successful, I would have more Brick Fundraisers until the Walkway was completely filled with commemorative bricks. I also said that the holidays might be a good time to launch the second Fundraiser in case someone would like to get a brick for a friend or family member as a holiday gift. So here we go . . . .
I have replaced the original “Bricks” post with this one as far as what you will see when you click on the Brick pic in the sidebar. Clicking on the picture of that brick (which says “Our Little Winnie . . .”) will now take you to this post. You can still read the first post (8/5) by clicking on this line of text. That first post explains why I chose the company that I did, etc. But I have transferred all of the important information about ordering a brick into THIS post.
You can order a brick with text only or you can have text and a picture. The brick with text only is $50.00 and the brick with text and picture is $55.00.
You can go to Polar Engraving yourself and look around. The brick color I’ve chosen is Impressions #9 (beige). It shows up the best on the ground. You can browse through the clip art to see if you would like to add a picture or symbol. There are pictures of cats and pictures of dogs. There are many other pictures and symbols, too. (I used an angel on my sample brick.) To look at clip art: Go to the website and hold your cursor over MEMORIAL BRICKS in the blue bar at the top (to the right of HOME). A list will pop up and you can click on SYMBOLS & CLIPART (third to the last in the list). OR, you can go to the far right and click on the sixth choice in that column (it has a picture of a butterfly). Scroll down to browse through your choices. Some of the categories are Animals, Nature, Religious Symbols, and Miscellaneous. If you want a wider selection of dogs or cats to choose from, notice the link to additional pictures at the top of that page. Just above where the “Animals” clipart begins, there are three http’s. The first is for more dog pictures. The next one is for more cat pictures. These are actually pictures of particular breeds, but you might find something that fits. Or - you might prefer a sunburst (under Special Activities) or a heart (under Miscellaneous), etc.
Here are the steps you will take to order your brick.
1. Email me with your text (and picture if you’re choosing one). Email address is [email protected] Bricks can have one, two, or three lines of text. If you are ordering a text-only brick, each line can have up to 18 characters/spaces. (You can have up to 20, but 18 or less is recommended.) Bricks with text and picture can have up to 15 characters/spaces per line.
2. Make your donation. I have a paypal donate button near the top of the sidebar. Or, you can email me and ask for my home address if you prefer to send a check. Donation for a text-only brick is $50. Donation for a text-and-picture brick is $55.
I will collect orders starting today - November 14 - through Friday, December 9. Then I will place my order with Polar Engraving. When the bricks arrive here, I will take pictures of them as I did with the first order. I should receive the bricks around the middle of December.
Holiday brick, anyone? Many people, in an attempt to stay with the Spirit of Christmas and the Winter holidays, enjoy being able to give a gift that also does some real good somewhere. For instance, with diabetes in my husband’s family, I always purchase at least a couple of my holiday gifts from the American Diabetes Association. I like to give two or three trees at Christmastime, too. A donation to the Arbor Day Foundation comes with a card announcing to the recipient that a tree is being planted in their honor. We all love to give gifts to our friends and family at this time of year, but some of us are a little weary of the holiday hype and price tag. It’s nice to be able to give a gift and contribute to a cause all at the same time. I hope that some of you might want to give a Winnie’s Wish brick to an animal-loving friend or family member this giving season. If so, let me know when you email me your order. I will make a note that your brick is a gift. Then when I get the bricks, and take pictures of them, I will send you an email with the brick pic attached. You can print it off to include in a card, or attach it to a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays email.
Of course, I will also do the stories behind the bricks again for anyone who wants to send me that information. I will do those stories in January. (If your brick is a gift, you can also draw the recipient’s attention to the story when it is posted.)
And now . . . (drumroll) . . . . The Second Installment of the Winnie’s Wish Walkway Brick Fundraiser. Whether you’re getting a brick for a cherished animal of your own, or for a friend or family member’s pet, remember this. The Walkway is a very permanent way to get a special pet (still in the fur or out of the fur) memorialized. The Walkway is already SO special. You’ve witnessed through the stories just how treasured those animals are. But there is something else that I don’t want you to lose sight of. Once I pay Polar Engraving and Paypal takes their cut, every penny of donation money helps me keep this rescue going. Because the cathouse doubled in size, we now have more than twice the kitties to care for. The costs are big. Food, kitty litter, vet bills, spays and neuters, travel costs for transports. Your brick order helps SO MUCH.
Hooray! Bricks for a Christmas gift is a wonderful idea! My Star is getting one for herself. Leo got one and we can't let her be jealous!
The walkway looks wonderful! If only a third of the way done. Come on everyone, we ALL need a brick, lets FINISH the walkway with this order, that means twice the orders as last time. We can so do this!
And while we're at it, how about a kitty to go along with your brick? Give yourself the gift of love this holiday season! Furry love is the best.
So seriously consider getting one or the other or both! You will not regret it, and you'll be helping a wonderful cause and a wonderful woman and her wonderful family save more wonderful kitties!
Posted by: Andrea & the Celestial Kitties | 11/14/2011 at 02:49 PM
The walkway looks absolutely beautiful, and even more so because it has been built by the love of humans for animals.
I wish you so much success with this next stage ~ I'm hoping you get a really good take up, especially since we are approaching the season of goodwill and giving. xx
Posted by: Jan (Milo and Alfie's mom) | 11/15/2011 at 02:39 AM