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My condolences, Chrystal. You and your family gave Bitsy a good life for a long time. I hope you can take comfort in that.


I am so sorry for your loss. Bitsy was so fortunate to have found such a loving home. You gave her a wonderful life. Thank you for that.


I am so sorry for your sorrow and pain, she had a loving home and a good life after you got her.
It is so hard to let them go and especially when you have to make that dreaded decision.
You and your family are in my prayers.

Deb & The Taylor CatSSSSS

Chrystal, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Bitsy. It is never easy to lose a family member. I am sending you Prayers and the catSSSSS are sending their loudest purrSSSSS!

AttieCattie and AudreyCake

sending you purrs, so sorreh to hear your little love is gone, but you did teh bestest you could for her and she know'd it.
~Attie and Audrey

Random Felines

I am so sorry.....there is just nothing good about losing such a cherished friend. But she lived such a loved life....sometimes letting them go is the greatest gift we can give them...

Angel and Kirby

I am so sorry that BItsy had to go. She is not in pain in that poor sick body any longer. Lots of purrs coming your way!

Milo and Alfie

Oh Chrystal ~ I'm so very sorry. Poor little Bitsy. It doesn't matter how many goodbyes we say when our beloved pets go the Bridge over the years ~ it never ever gets any easier. They are such an important part of our life, and so loved ~ and it is so very painful to lose them.
I think you were very brave letting Bitsy go quickly ~ because had you kept her alive she would almost certainly have suffered. It was the kindest and most loving thing to do ~ letting her go. (((hugs)))

Goodnight sweet Bitsy ~ until we al meet up again. Milo and Alfie are purring you on to your rest.

Jan xx


I am so sorry !!! It is never easy to say Good Bye to a beloved fur ball.

Fuzzy Tales

I'm sick, Chrystal, reading this. Sick at heart and almost physically sick. It's too reminiscent of Annie's passing right now.

I am so, so sorry. I don't have to tell you how sorry I am, I realize you know.

I *am* glad she went gently, though, with mercy and love and kindness. And I'm so glad you didn't put her through the treatments, just to buy her a few weeks--that would have been only a selfish act, IMO.

But even so, even knowing she had a good life with you and that it was her time and that you did the right thing, the humane thing, I know it still hurts so much.

Sending (((hugs))) and Light and love.

Katnip Lounge

We are sending you soft purrs. Godspeed, Bitsy!
{{hugs}} from Mommy to you.

Pam and the Califurrrrrnia5

Dearest Chrystal, I know you are hunrting so much right now. Please know that we all are sharing your pain and sending you much love. Dear Bitsy is at peace and out of pain. Although the physical body may be gone, her little spirit will remain with you to watch over all the other kitties and pooches. (((hugs)))

The Poupounette Gang

We are so very sorry to hear about Bitsy. What a shock for you that it all happened so quickly although perhaps better for her not to go through a long and slow decline. Our hearts are with you and all your family.

Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs,
The Poupounette Gang

Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in IL

Sending snuggles and purrs to all of you. A Bitsy shaped hole is in your heart but you can fill it with all the great memories you have.

Amy & The House of Cats

Oh Chrystal I am so sorry that Bitsy got so sick so quickly. I just hate that you had to let her go so soon after having to let Scroungy go. I just don't know what to say other than we are sending over tons of comforting purrs and prayers for all of you.

Angel Sweet Praline

Chrystal, I am so sorry. I am sitting here at my desk at work trying to hold back the tears as I am writing this because it brought back all of the memories of my Sweet Praline. Please know that my thoughts are with you.

Mom Paula


Chrystal, we are so sorry about Bitsy. We have had two Little Bits here and they are the very best cats. She sure was pretty. Anyway, sending you lots of purrs and great big hugs.

Four Crazy Cats

Chrystal, this was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry she had to go, but I know she is running free at the Bridge now and loving life again. She will never be forgotten. Sending purrs to you and your family today.

Forty Paws

We are so sorry that Bitsy had to go over to The Bridge. What a horrible thing for you to go through when you thought it was constipation! Bless your hearts. We are sending you tons of purrs and purrayers and many hugs. Letting go is so difficult.

Luf, Us and Maw

Ginny & The Fur Family

The Fur Family feel your grief and heart brake. It goes too deep for words. know that we are thinking of you and Scroungy and Bitsy and hope some day you will all be together again and the world will be shades of green and yellow and bright orange and not the black and gray and mornful way they look today. When I picture the after life of a furry one I see them looking back at us and telling us that they are still with us in spirit and thanking us for letting them go to a better pain free place of the white light and prizms of color and rain bows. Good bye and good rest for the sweet Bitsy and for little Scroungy. We all out in Blog land have gotten to know you and will always remember your sweet spirits... prayers for The forever family home and for the ones over the bridge. Ginny & The Fur Family

Cat's Cats

Run free sweet Bitsy! All our love to you and your family.

Lee County Clowder

So sorry. Fourteen years can seem really short sometimes. Purrrrrssss and headbuttss to you all.

The Island Cats

We are so very sorry to hear about Bitsy. We know that even though you made the right decision, it was not an easy one. We send you comforting purrs and headbutts to help ease your sorrow...


I am sorry to hear about Bitsy,we lost our cat earlier this year in a similar way and it is difficult to make that decision.

Teri and the cats of Curlz and Swirlz

Bitsy was saved and loved...what more can we as of life than to have someone there who cares for us deeply. She would not want you to be sad but to remember the joy she gave to you. Our thoughts are with you.

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